Manage Your Privacy and Data Settings

Review our Privacy Policy & Cookies Notice

Privacy laws vary by state and are constantly changing, and we do our best to stay on top of them. You can find all the details in our Privacy Policy 👍

We also recommend reviewing our Cookies Notice, which provides more information around the types of cookies and tracking that we use.

Manage Advertising & Analytics Tracking

We only use the data you provide to purchase any postage you request, help you with customer support, communicate with you about your Pirate Ship account, or improve our software. We also use 3rd-party advertising and analytics partners to run ads, track visits, and improve our marketing and website (which some jurisdictions call a "sale").

Our use of these tools (for example, Google Analytics or Facebook Ads) is part of what allows us to offer our service for free. For example, these tools enable us to understand how visitors use our website (which helps us make it better), or allow us to create advertising audiences of people who have previously visited our website (which allows us to purchase cheaper ads to find new customers).

If you don't want us to be able to do any of this, we'll be bummed 😅 but it's no problem!

To opt-out of this type of tracking, simply click this button:

Note that even if advertising & analytics tracking is disabled, you may still see Pirate Ship ads—they just won't have been targeted using your data.

Please also note that if you ever clear your web browser's local cache, or access Pirate Ship from another device, you will have to come back here and disable this setting again. If you'd like to permanently disable this sort of tracking, we suggest using a browser that supports the Global Privacy Control and configuring it to constantly communicate your privacy rights, which Pirate Ship respects.

Opt-Out of Personal Information "Sales"

Some states have privacy laws that give their residents a method to opt out of situations where their personal information might be sold. Because the definition of "sales" is so broad, our use of some advertising and analytics tools may be considered a “sale” under those state's strict definitions.

To exercise your right to opt-out, just fill out this form:

Your opt-out was submitted and advertising & analytics tracking has been disabled.
Something went wrong while submitting the form. Please refresh the page, fill out all the fields, and try again.

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Cheapest Shipping Rates

No monthly fees—we're paid by the carriers, not by you!

Friendly Customer Support

We're here for you every day via live chat or email.

No Commitments

Give it a try. If you don't like it, there's no risk!